Breast Lift Mastopexy

Women can reshape and resize their breasts to reverse the signs of aging. Dr. Smith can provide women with improved contour and shape, volume and fullness. As women age, the weakened elasticity of their skin becomes most evident in their breasts. A mastoplexy also known as (breast lift) returns breasts to a “perky” and full shape, and restores patients’ confidence by vastly improving their appearance.

Over time, there are many outside influences such as pregnancy, nursing, weight loss or weight gain, and even gravity, that can have an influence on the shape and apperance of your breasts. As skin loses its elasticity, your breasts may also lose their origial shape, fullness, and youthful apperance. A breast lift, or mastopexy, can help restore your breasts original shape and give you full natural appearing breasts.

As your breasts change, many women also notice an increase in the size of the pigmented area around the nipple (areola). A breast lift can help reduce the size of the areola at the same time as lifting the breasts. Many women also notice a decrease in the volume of their breasts after having children or with aging. In these instances it may also be necessary to use a silicone or saline breast implant to increase the volume of breast tissue available, at the same time as the breast lift (mastopexy).

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